Rowland's Doughnuts Site Plan

Ben Rowland

WDD 130-02



I want you to think about the last time you wanted to buy some donuts. Did you ever get the feeling that you really didn’t want to go down to the bakery or the store to order it? Think about it... have you ever thought about just ordering them online and having them delivered right to your door? Well, you’re in luck, because that’s something that I can do for you! I have created a company and platform that provides an incredibly accessible service for individuals of ages 18 and up to be able to order donuts from the peace and comfort of their home, or anywhere they may be. My platform is easy to use and very convenient as well, making it the #1 online option for guaranteed customer satisfaction!


My target audience for this website is not necessarily a particular age group, but it will be a group that enjoys donuts and sweets in general. Since donuts are not a very expensive market, my products will be available to everyone regardless of age or financial situation. When individuals come to my website, I expect that they are there to view my products and to make purchases. In addition, our goal is to be able to appeal to all ages, because doughtnuts are a creation that should be enjoyed by all. I plan on keeping my website fairly colorful and fun as well as easily accessible, so that I can appeal to the broadest audience possible. I think these additions to my website will accomplish my goal of inviting the kind of people I want to my website. Once the website is complete, my target audience will be able to access my website not only on their desktop or laptop, but also their mobile devices as well.


Website Logo

Logo image

Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL:
PrimarySecondaryAccent 1Accent 2


Heading Font: sans serif

Paragraph Font: sans serif

Normal paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Colored paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Site Map




Customers will visit my site because I serve a very specific corner of the market, and if someone wants or needs something that my business can provide, then they will visit my website to satisfy their needs. In addition, I will commit to making the customer experience as good as possible so that I can have regularly returning customers, as well as a steady stream of new customers as well. Basically, I want people to come to my site to fulfill specific wants/needs that my business can provide, and I want to be their “go-to” business for convenience, satisfaction, quality, and overall positive experience for all things donuts.
When my site is completed, my visitors should expect to see nearly every single question that they may have answered. However, if they happen to have additional questions that are not covered, there will be a phone number listed so that they can get answers to those more specific questions. For example, visitors should expect to see all the types and flavors of donuts that we provide, as well as all the nutrition facts and other specific information that they might want to see on each donut. The site will also include delivery and pick-up information, as well as an option to order donuts several days in advance in case there is a special occasion or a request for custom-made donuts. After including all this information, I would also include an essential mission statement as well as information about the founding of the company, as well as my personal connection to donuts, and why they are important enough to me to start a business selling them.

Images for the Home page

image for homepage
image for homepage


Depending on what they are looking for, my visitors can choose to complete certain activities regarding orders, payments, and other services. There will also be able to look at a screen that contains a map of our serviceable areas and they can also schedule parties or reunions at our physical location if they choose to. However, there will be an option on my website that kids can click on to play some of the greatest donut games of all time. The point is that it is up to the consumer what activities they choose, and while the options will be made available to the customers, they will not be chosen for them.
When my site is completed, I will include information about ever single ‘action’ that my site offers, so that my potential customers understand everything that my site offers, and they can make informed decision with the information that I provide them about my products. In terms of the customer, we will require an email or phone number, as well as the first and last name of the customer. If they choose to make a purchase, we will require that they make a form of payment that is either a credit card, debit card, apple pay, PayPal, and other mobile payments and electronic bank transfers will be looked at on a case-by-case basis to ensure that every customer can pay in the way they choose.

Images for the Page 2

image for page
image for page

Our Mission

Visitors will come to my site instead of other sites if they want to get reliable information from a small-business owner who is passionate about his craft. In addition, if they want to do business with me, then this is the only website in which they can do business with my company. The website will allow my customers to feel informed about their purchasing decisions, and confident that they will have a good experience doing business with us online. The #1 goal will always be customer satisfaction, and anything lower then excellent is unacceptable for us.

Images for the Page 3

image for page3
image for page3


Create three wireframes for your site. One for each page and list them here


[Any additional details about home that the wireframe does not make clear]

home page wireframe

[Page 2]

[Any additional details about page 2 that the wireframe does not make clear]

page 2 wireframe

[Page 3]

[Any additional details about page 3 that the wireframe does not make clear]

page 3 wireframe